Congress spokesperson on Human Rights expresses concern regarding the detention of Fredi Beleri, the Mayor-elect of Himara

Congress spokesperson on Human Rights expresses concern regarding the detention of Fredi Beleri, the Mayor-elect of Himara

The Spokesperson for Human Rights of the Congress of Local and Regional Authorities of the Council of Europe, Harald Bergmann, has made the following statement concerning the detention of the Mayor-elect of Himarë, Albania, Fredi Beleri, which was prolonged on 18 September by a court decision:

«I am concerned about the situation of Fredi Beleri, who was arrested on suspicion of vote-buying two days before his election as Mayor of Himarë on 14 May 2023. As a result of the rejection of his requests for release, he has to this date not been able to take the oath requested by law to be sworn in as mayor.

I recall the importance of upholding the presumption of innocence as enshrined in the European Convention of Human Rights. I hope to see a swift processing of Fredi Beleri's case, in compliance with due process and the Rule of Law, in order to allow for the choice of voters of Himarë to be reflected in the shortest delays.»

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